Playing like 100 years ago
In former times, the soldiers lived with their families and children on the fortress – try out old children’s games like „trompo“, “eagle shooting” or “tug of war” (age 4 and up)

Laundry day at the king's stone
Experience a 100-year-old box mangle in action. Help us making laundry! (age 6 and up)
All these offers are contained in the regular entrance fee.

Print your own souvenir with fortress themes.
Work with a historical printing press at the artist's workshop.
(age 4 and up)
Look, how it works!

Salt for the soup
In former times, every soldier’s family had a small garden on the fortress, where they cultivated, fruits, vegetables and herbs. Taste and smell the herbs and try to find out, what they were used for. In our herbal workshop you can create seasoned salt according to old recipes (age 4 and up)

Crafting with natural materials
Creative programme accompanying the special exhibition "From carrot bed to fortress wood"

Jewellery and leather accessories
DIY-activity - making decorative pieces according to historical models